The City of Seven Points City Hall has been destroyed by the storms of March 4, 2025.

The roof of the City Hall was blown off and has crashed behind the City Hall, striking a power line and shorting out all of the electrical inside City Hall. Mayor Keith Betts has signed a PROCLAMATION OF LOCAL STATE OF DISASTER which is uploaded to the Monthly Agendas and Minutes section for your review. Temporary Police and Municipal Court services are set up at the Blue Sky RV Park Annex at 201 Main Place in Seven Points. Temporarily, the phone lines for City Hall and Development/Permitting are forwarded to a temporary phone and answered during regular business hours. These two phone numbers are (903) 432-4610 and (903) 432-3178. We are remodeling the north end of the old Food Fare store at 715 South Seven Points Blvd to act as our temporary City Hall until we can return to our regular building. This new temporary City Hall should be open for at least partial services by March 17, 2025. The Thursday March 13, 2025 Council meeting will be held at the Optimist Club Civic Building at 410 John Thomas Drive (adjacent to the Optimist Sports Park) at the regular time on 7:00 PM. Future Council meetings will be held at the new temporary CIty Hall at 715 South Seven Points Blvd beginning with the April 10, 2025 meeting. We apologize for any and all inconveniences caused by this. Please understand that Mayor Betts has done everything possible to bring services back to the residents as quickly and as pain-free as possible. We all regret the problems that this weather event has caused.